Sunday 25 March 2018


All sketches




The Sketchup model is in the file "Arch1101 Project 1".

The entire upper architecture and the bottom of the underground architecture could be used as studios, while the top of the underground architecture, which is close to nature, could be used as a living area. In this way, the living area is separated with working areas which may improve users' work and efficiency.

The upper architecture, which is above ground, has two levels and the bottom level is a good place to nap. I used a glass window to improve the safety of the bottom level.

The underground architecture has many glass layers which could let the sunshine come indoors. Actually these layers were created just for fun :)

The stairs, which was inspirited by trains' steel rails, tried to show a sense of clean, cold and the idea of link. The bottom end of the stairs' two tubes were deeply inserted into the ground to hold the stairs.(which was illustrated in the model) 


